Saturday, January 16, 2016

Kabus di Pagi Hari

Kebahagiaan tak semestinya berpanjangan
Kesedihan tak juga berlarutan
Ibarat kabus di pagi hari
Pasti hilang di terik mentari

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Unpredictable Life

Life is unpredictable.

It can be today is the best day in your life, while tomorrow will become the worst day for you.

Or it can be today is the worst day in your life, while tomorrow will become the best day for you. Who knows?

So, lets hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Precious Moment

Its actually not about the food, its about how it can bring a family to sit and enjoy their moment together. The precious moment that you cant buy anywhere.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Salam Jumaat

Selamat pagi. Salam Jumaat. Penghulu segala hari. Jadilah kita manusia yang boleh memberikan manfaat kepada semua. Tak dapat banyak, sedikit pon jadi la.

Sedangkan pokok amra yg hidup segan mati tak mau ni pon masih boleh berbuah. Apatah lagi kita manusia yang dikurniakan pelbagai nikmat oleh Allah swt.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Siapa Lebih Bodoh?

Kadang-kadang orang yang sabaq ja dengan perangai hang ni bukan sebab dia bodoh atau memang seorang yang penyabaq. Tapi dia saja nak tengok akai hang. Dia nak tengok sampai bila hang nak perbodohkan dia. Masa tu baru hang tau sapa lagi bodoh sebenaqnya.

*maaf, ayat mungkin kedengaran kasaq. But its only a loghat utara
*sila baca dengan nada lemah lembut
*saja nak mewakili perasaan orang-orang yang dok bersabaq tu
*pesanan untuk diri sendiri jugak
*gambar sekadar hiasan

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Happy Graduation Day


In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate and the Merciful.

Alhamdulillah and thanks to Almighty Allah S.W.T for giving me such ability and time to complete my Master's research. I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound sense of gratitude and respect to my supervisor, Dr. Nurul Izza Mohd Nor and my ex-supervisor, Dr. Neoh Siew Chin who guided me to complete this research as well as provide great ideas and technique to write a thesis. The supervision and support that they gave truly help the progression and smoothness of this research.

My grateful thank also goes to all Microelectronics Engineering lecturers especially my co-supervisors, Mrs. Bibi Nadia and Mrs. Hayati Sabani, who had given priceless guidance and constructive advice without hesitantly to me. A big contribution and hard worked from them during the research period is very great indeed. The research would be nothing without the enthusiasm and imagination from them.

Finally, I wish to acknowledge the support given by all my friends especially Miss Aida Fatehah Shukur, Miss Izatul Syafina, Mrs. Nor Alina Khairi and Mr. Wei Jer who always by my side through sorrow or joy.

Last and most importantly, sincere appreciation and deepest thanks to my dearest family who gave me moral support throughout these years. Only with their love and encouragement made this research possible.

To them I dedicate this thesis~

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Itinerary Bandung 4 Hari 3 Malam

Hai semua. Assalamualaikum. Apa habaq orang-orang kampung semua? Hari ni cheq nak share cheq punya travel itinerary masa dekat Bandung tempoh hari. Itinerery ni untuk 4 hari 3 malam cheq dekat sana bersama family cheq. Hopefully dapat sedikit sebanyak membantu sapa-sapa yang tengah merancang untuk bercuti dan bershopping dekat Bandung nanti.

Day 1. Jalan jauh. Penat tapi best.

Day 2. Hari untuk shopping saja. Syurga buat kaum wanita. 

Day 3. Jalan-jalan cuci mata.